Index for 2pPA
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
2pPA1. Second-order solutions for arbitrary piston radiators.
2pPA2. Acoustic solitons in elastic media.
2pPA3. Acoustic streaming at high Reynolds numbers due to focused piston radiation in real fluids.
2pPA4. Laser-generated nonlinear Rayleigh waves with shocks.
2pPA5. Nonlinear interactions of acoustic, vorticity, and entropy modes, with applications to computational aero- and hydro-acoustics.
2pPA6. The influence of aperture shape on Rayleigh conductivity for one-sided grazing flow.
2pPA7. Numerical simulations of the absorption of sound by noise in one dimension.
2pPA8. The development of self focused pulses of nonlinear second sound in helium II from delayed edge waves.
2pPA9. Nonanalytic nonlinear oscillations: Christiaan Huygens, quadratic Schrodinger equations, and solitary waves.
2pPA10. Acoustic wave propagation and reflection on nonlinear boundaries.
2pPA11. Modulation instability of wave packets in media with resonant dispersion.
2pPA12. Sound amplification by a supersonic jet under the action of saw-toothed sound waves of finite amplitude.