Index for 2aUW
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
2aUW1. Extracting modal wave numbers from data collected in range-dependent environments.
2aUW2. Scattering from rough fluid--fluid interfaces using the finite-difference time-domain method.
2aUW3. Coupled-mode modeling of acoustic scattering from axisymmetric, three-dimensional objects.
2aUW4. Scattering from objects near the ocean bottom at very high frequency and geometrical diffraction theory.
2aUW5. Estimating in-plane bistatic scattering strength from a monostatic experiment.
2aUW6. Mechanisms that cause changes to bottom reverberation fluctuation statistics.
2aUW7. A generalized reverberation model.
2aUW8. An investigation of seabed acoustic penetration and scattering via broadband echo soundings.
2aUW9. In situ measurements in marine sediment.
2aUW10. Sound-speed profile estimation using empirical orthogonal functions for stochastic propagation over poro-elastic sediments.
2aUW11. Radiation impedance of a circular vibrating plate on the surface of sand.
2aUW12. Numerical simulation of shallow-water reverberation.
2aUW13. Averaging a finely layered poroelastic Biot medium.