Index for 2aSA
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
2aSA1. Effects of transducer mass on resonance frequency and quality factor of free--free bars.
2aSA2. Vibro-acoustic response reduction of a fluid-loaded beam using unequally spaced absorbers and concentrated masses.
2aSA3. Quantitative verification of laser-modulated phase-stepping digital shearography for monofrequency vibration measurement.
2aSA4. Instability of an elastically supported Timoshenko beam under a traveling inertia load.
2aSA5. Frequency response of a cantilever beam attached to a plate with varying boundary conditions.
2aSA6. Spatial statistics of plate vibration modes with irregular boundary conditions.
2aSA7. Signal response of elastically coated plates.
2aSA8. Two-dimensional wave-number descriptions of flexural vibration in ribbed plates.
2aSA9. Fluid-borne and Lamb-type waves on elastic plates in contact with two different fluids.
2aSA10. A new trigonometric functions set for predicting plate bending, using the hierarchical finite element method.
2aSA11. Convergence analysis of p-version FEM on vibration problem.
2aSA12. Vibroacoustic behavior with total or partial layer of constrained viscoelastic.
2aSA13. Experimental validation of a finite element model predicting the vibro-acoustic behavior of double-plate structures with Biot poroelastic materials.
2aSA14. Vibrations of an orthotropic plate with an internal flat circular slot.
2aSA15. Vibration analysis of ship beams.
2aSA16. Moment method formulation for piezoceramic plate vibrations.