Index for 2aAA
ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997
2aAA1. Comparisons of measures of speech intelligibility in rooms.
2aAA2. Diagnostic assessment of speech intelligibility in auditoria with the STI.
2aAA3. Investigation on relationships between STI and speech intelligibility in listening tests on Japanese language for sound system design of auditoria.
2aAA4. Review of speech intelligibility indicators: Their relationship and applications.
2aAA5. Speech intelligibility in rooms.
2aAA6. Some comparison of C[inf 50] with other speech-intelligibility predictors.
2aAA7. Predicted and actual intelligibility-rating values produced by a unique church speech reinforcement system.
2aAA8. Factors influencing perceived listening quality in university classrooms.
2aAA9. Limitations of speech intelligibility assessment methods.
2aAA10. Concepts and applications of directivity controlled loudspeaker arrays.
2aAA11. Relationships between speech intelligibility and objective acoustical parameters for architectural features in Catholic churches.