1pEA14. A study of noise and vibration measurements in an engine dynamometer cell using intensity methods.

Session: Monday Afternoon, June 16

Author: Satish Padiyar
Location: Ford Motor Co., Engine Manufacturing Development Operations, FEAD NVH; 17000, Southfield Rd., Allen Park, MI 48101


In automobile engine development, the use of dynamometer cell tests has been established as often-times, a reliable and efficient alternative to in-vehicle tests. Engine noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) characterization involves studying the relationship between the engine dynamics and NVH parameters of interest. In dynamometer cells that have been designed to be fully or partially anechoic in a given frequency range, noise measurements can be made reliably in the designated frequency range, without concern for the effects of reflections from the cell walls. For NVH measurements in dynamometer cells outside the designated anechoic frequency range, engineers and researchers often resort to expensive anechoic enclosures around the engine alone. This paper will discuss the results of the use of intensity techniques for noise measurements, in an attempt to increase the usable frequency range of an engine dynamometer cell for automobile NVH characterization.

ASA 133rd meeting - Penn State, June 1997