Index for 5aAB
ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996
5aAB1. The effect of roadway traffic noise on territory selection by Golden-cheeked Warblers.
5aAB2. USAF monitors for recording aircraft noise received by animals.
5aAB3. Performance of desert kit foxes, Vulpes macrotis arsipus, on acoustic detection trials during simulated jet aircraft overflights.
5aAB4. Effects of underwater sound on hair cells of the inner ear and lateral line of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus).
5aAB5. The impact of impulsive noise on bald eagles at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
5aAB6. Discussion and demonstration of PC CITASAN.
5aAB7. Field methods for measuring auditory function in wild animals.
5aAB8. Response of nonbreeding spotted owls to helicopter and chain saw noise.
5aAB9. Sensitization and habituation to underwater sound by captive pinnipeds.
5aAB10. Effects of sound and ultrasound on Zebra Mussels.