4pSA5. Recalling some contributions by Elfyn Richards.

Session: Thursday Afternoon, May 16

Time: 3:30

Author: Stanley E. Dunn
Location: Dept. of Ocean Eng., Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, FL 33431


Professor Elfyn Richards enjoyed a long and unusually notable career which ranged over engineering, education, and public policy development. The scope of his impact was international and, as the Honorary Fellow award by the Society proclaims, of particular importance in the United States. Toward the end of his career he made himself available to work with the Ocean Engineering Department at Florida Atlantic University. That interaction was to have a profound impact on the program and its subsequent success in a number of areas. This paper shares the highlights of Professor Richards' collaboration with the department and discusses the benefits which were so dependent on the unique qualities of his character.

from ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996