Index for 3aUW
ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996
3aUW1. Reproducibility of low-frequency shallow-water acoustic experimental data.
3aUW2. Recent shallow-water acoustic measurements of sound transmission, reverberation, and coherence.
3aUW3. Interference patterns of frequency-dependent transmission loss for shallow-water propagation.
3aUW4. Statistical analysis of broadband propagation in shallow water.
3aUW5. Frequency dependence of forward propagation through a layered dipping sediment.
3aUW6. A study of the influence of an off-shore rise on low-frequency modal propagation with Arctic surface loss.
3aUW7. Improved narrow-band and broadband normal-mode algorithms for fluid ocean environments.
3aUW8. Acoustic propagation through a low Mach number, stratified flow.
3aUW9. Invariant imbedding analysis of seabed acoustics.
3aUW10. Mode coupling analysis for a resonance effect due to an internal soliton.
3aUW11. Nonlinear wide-angle paraxial propagation in shallow-water channels.
3aUW12. Estimation of nonlinear effects in global scale ocean acoustic propagation.
3aUW13. Propagation of signals from strong explosions above and below the ocean surface.