Index for 3aNS
ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996
3aNS1. Modern noise and vibration design of internal combustion engines.
3aNS2. A survey of automobile wind noise.
3aNS3. Flow noise in automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
3aNS4. Vehicle interior noise. I. Noise paths: Structure-borne and airborne.
3aNS5. Vehicle interior noise. II. Modeling.
3aNS6. On the development and application of automotive sound package materials.
3aNS7. Light vehicle exterior noise: Measurement, regulation, tires, and pavement.
3aNS8. The effect of surface variability on the short-range propagation of tire/road interaction noise.
3aNS9. Two-microphone measurements of the acoustical properties of plane asphalt surfaces in the presence of wind and temperature gradients.
3aNS10. The acoustic characteristics of automotive body seals.
3aNS11. A model for predicting roughness of powertrain sound.
3aNS12. Modeling of noise spectra of axial flow fans in free field.
3aNS13. Sound radiation from a centrifugal blower in a free field.