1aAO4. Time-domain shallow-water environmental inversion using unknown broadband sources.

Session: Monday Morning, May 13

Time: 8:50

Author: Jacob Roginsky
Location: Naval Res. Lab., Washington, DC 20375


Inversion for environmental parameters using both simulated and actual experimental data was performed based on the propagation results for presumably unknown broadband sources. The environment is a shallow- water environment and all computations are performed in the time domain. The inversion is based on the least-square comparison between the results of a source deconvolution for each of several receivers. Because single-receiver source deconvolution in underwater acoustics is an intrinsically ill-posed problem, the Tichonov--Philips regularization is incorporated into the current procedure. The method is made efficient by the use of a new deconvolution algorithm that specifically takes advantage of the triangular Toeplitz structure of the propagation matrix [J. Roginsky and G. W. Stewart, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 3290 (A) (1995)]. The advantages of this method are: (a) The process can be performed with as few as two receivers; (b) no a priori source information is required; (c) due to one's ability to work with shorter time windows, the procedure can be made faster than a corresponding frequency domain approach. [Work supported by ONR.]

from ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996