Index for 5aPP
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
5aPP1. Detection and discrimination of spectral peaks by listeners with moderate to severe hearing losses.
5aPP2. Modulation rate discrimination by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners.
5aPP3. Objective and subjective measures of hearing aid sound quality.
5aPP4. Aging of hearing ability.
5aPP5. Is impaired auditory temporal processing a cause of speech-language disorders? Negative evidence from psychoacoustic investigations.
5aPP6. Phoneme recognition by a non-native English-speaking cochlear implantee using the WSP, MSP, and spectra speech processors: A case study.
5aPP7. A handicapped listener's articulation tests underwater.
5aPP8. Learning and generalization in auditory backward masking.
5aPP9. Categorical perception of emotional speech.
5aPP10. Phoneme detection in resyllabified words.
5aPP11. Estimation of nonsense syllable intelligibility.
5aPP12. Calculation of speech intelligibility using an autocorrelation function.
5aPP13. Feature extraction of phonemes from autocorrelation functions of auditory filterbank outputs.
5aPP14. Application of frequency modulation technology to children.
5aPP15. Study on detection of the electronic siren from an ambulance.