Index for 4aPAb
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
4aPAb1. The small-amplitude, continuous wave reflected field produced by a spherical source placed at the focus of an ellipsoidal reflector.
4aPAb2. Ultrasonic fields in the neighborhood of the central axis of a circular flat transducer.
4aPAb3. Analysis of diffracted waves from a wedge by the virtual discontinuity principle of diffraction.
4aPAb4. A temporal analysis of acoustic fields by the virtual discontinuity principle of diffraction.
4aPAb5. Time-domain approaches to the edge diffraction problem: Applications to boxed loudspeakers.
4aPAb6. Edge, cavity, and aperture tones at very low Mach numbers.
4aPAb7. Two-dimensional effects in the edge noise of vortices and dipoles.
4aPAb8. A nonstationary Rayleigh wave on the surface of a thermoelastic heat-insulated cylinder.