Index for 4aAO
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
4aAO1. Tomographic imaging of the ocean volume.
4aAO2. Passive imaging of targets with ambient noise: Experimental results.
4aAO3. Imaging of ocean noise.
4aAO4. Array processing methods for imaging ambient noise sources.
4aAO5. High-frequency backscatter measurements of coastal dynamics in Haro Strait.
4aAO6. Three-dimensional effects on broadband pulse propagation near the mid-Atlantic Bight.
4aAO7. Volumetric visualization of zooplankton sound scattering in the ocean.
4aAO8. Behavioral observations of zooplankton in the Red Sea using the three-dimensional acoustical imaging system Fish TV.
4aAO9. Multifrequency, multimodel inverse methods.
4aAO10. A wideband, single-channel acoustical probe for observations of vertical fine structure in zooplankton.
4aAO11. Acoustical beamforming and targeting using phase conjugation of ultrasonic fields.
4aAO12. Real-time 3-D imaging pulse-echo acoustical imaging with coded excitation.
4aAO13. High-resolution maximum-likelihood estimator for ambient noise imaging.
4aAO14. Statistical models for ambient noise imaging in temperate and tropical waters.
4aAO15. An experimental test of the concept of Fresnel zones for modes.
4aAO16. Relationship between acoustic backscattering field and suspended matter distribution in the Kara Sea and Ob and Yenisei estuaries.