3pUW9. The DIET WISPR and DIET AWSUM high-resolution and high-gain deconvolution techniques.

Session: Wednesday Afternoon, December 4

Time: 3:40

Author: Susan D. Gardner
Location: Code 7176, Naval Res. Lab., Stennis Space Center, MS 39529


Two closely related deconvolution techniques, called DIET WISPR (directivity improved estimation technique combined with Wagstaff's integration silencing processor) and DIET AWSUM (directivity improved estimation technique combined with the advanced wispr SUM) are designed to achieve higher resolution results and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain for stable amplitude signals embedded in fluctuating signals and noise. These objectives are achieved by combining a deconvolution technique (producing higher resolution and associated gain) with the WISPR and AWSUM filters (fluctuation sensitive signal processing algorithms with high SNR gain capabilities). The DIET WISPR and DIET AWSUM techniques and autoregressive parametric modeling techniques with parameters generated by the Burg algorithm, commonly known as the maximum entropy method (MEM), are applied to measured ocean acoustic data. MEM is used to provide a reference for the DIET WISPR and DIET AWSUM estimates. The MEM, DIET WISPR, and DIET AWSUM methods all demonstrate an ability to increase the resolution. However, the DIET WISPR and DIET AWSUM techniques provide a robust method for generating both SNR gain for stable signals and higher resolution simultaneously. [Work supported by ONR and NRL.]

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996