3pUW5. Breaking wave noise measurements at frequencies below 400 Hz.
Session: Wednesday Afternoon, December 4
Time: 2:52
Author: Jeffrey A. Schindall
Location: Naval Res. Lab., 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375
Author: Richard M. Heitmeyer
Location: Naval Res. Lab., 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375
A sea surface noise experiment was conducted in shallow water (200 m) near
San Clemente Island in March/April 1995 using a vertical array deployed from the
RP/FLIP. Measurements of the time-frequency structure of the noise
generated from individual breaking waves were obtained using the endfire beam of
a vertical array along with optical measurements of the locations, sizes, and
lifetimes of those breaking waves. Strong acoustic bursts in time coincidence
with the larger breaking wave events were observed. There is no apparent
correlation between the smaller breaking wave occurrences and low-level acoustic
noise at the sea surface in this frequency band. These acoustic measurements
were the first at-sea measurements capable of spatially resolving the individual
breaking wave contributions at frequencies below 400 Hz where collective bubble
oscillations are believed to be the dominate sound generation mechanism.
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996