3pUW11. HOTWIT: An unconstrained shallow-water reverberation estimation algorithm.

Session: Wednesday Afternoon, December 4

Time: 4:20

Author: J. Newcomb
Location: Naval Res. Lab., Code 7176, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
Author: Marshall Bradley
Location: Planning Systems, Inc., 115 Christian Ln., Slidell, LA 70458
Author: Melanie H. Walrod
Location: Planning Systems, Inc., 115 Christian Ln., Slidell, LA 70458


A new algorithm/method for the inversion of activated towed array reverberation data in shallow water, known as the heading optional transformation of Wagstaff's iterative technique (HOTWIT), has been developed. By taking advantage of the activation and motion of the towed array, the algorithm resolves the inherent left--right ambiguity of the towed array without the need for multiple headings and is an active analog to the passive 3-D WIT algorithm. The result is an unambiguous estimate of bottom target strength from which the reverberation density at a given receiver location can be inferred. The algorithm lends itself well to a rapid characterization of shallow-water reverberation in shallow-water areas. A description of the algorithm with a discussion of results from the algorithm with measured and modeled towed array data will be discussed.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996