Index for 3aUW
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
3aUW1. High-frequency acoustic wave propagation modeling in shallow water.
3aUW2. Acoustic and temperature fluctuations in very shallow water.
3aUW3. Frequency dependence of broadband acoustic propagation in coastal regions.
3aUW4. A preliminary numerical study of the nonlocal small slope approximation.
3aUW5. Shallow-water high-frequency active situational adaptation.
3aUW6. A model for bistatic scattering into ocean sediments for frequencies from 10 to 100 kHz.
3aUW7. On the relative importance of refractive index fluctuations and sea surface roughness to amplitude variability in a multipath environment.
3aUW8. High-frequency sound diffraction by an underwater ridge with a soft boundary.
3aUW9. Determination of ray path probabilities in stochastic media.
3aUW10. Overcoming energy spreading loss (ESL) for characterization of broadband frequency dispersion.
3aUW11. Impact of the environment on energy spreading loss in shallow water at high frequencies.
3aUW12. Sea-surface roughness effect on underwater coherent acoustic communications.
3aUW13. Underwater acoustic tracking in shallow water for naval training ranges.
3aUW14. Target detection in a shallow-water environment using pseudorandom bipolar phase coded pulses.
3aUW15. Coherent localization of an unknown cw source.
3aUW16. Inversion in shallow water using the Wentzel--Kramers--Brillouin modal condition.
3aUW17. Acoustic propagation experiments in the Hudson Canyon: Inversions.
3aUW18. Use of angular correlation functions for detection of buried objects.