Index for 2pAB
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2pAB1. Temporal organization in birdsong production.
2pAB2. The resolution of frequency and time following hair cell regeneration in birds.
2pAB3. Effect of beak movement in singing Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica).
2pAB4. Effects of isolation rearing on the development of the distance calls in male Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica).
2pAB5. A computational model of early stages of dolphin hearing.
2pAB6. Aspect-independent sonar recognition of cylinders using dolphin-like signals.
2pAB7. Classification of whale song units using a self-organizing feature mapping algorithm.
2pAB8. A computational model of echo location.
2pAB9. Investigating acoustic localization using artificial ears.
2pAB10. Understanding humpback whale sonar: A physicist's view.
2pAB11. Humpback whale sonar.
2pAB12. On the physics of sound waves generated and detected by cetaceans and bats.