Index for 2aUW
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2aUW1. The earthquake T phase: MILS hydrophone array results.
2aUW2. Monitoring microseismicity in the northeast Pacific using hydroacoustic techniques.
2aUW3. T-wave source level and earthquake fault parameters: Empirically derived scaling relationships.
2aUW4. A multipath model for T-wave generation by seafloor earthquakes.
2aUW5. Periodic deep-sea hydrothermal vent activities observed by hydrophones at Mariana, Okinawa, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
2aUW6. Seismic structure using body wave arrivals at SOSUS hydrophone arrays.
2aUW7. T-wave detection of underwater volcanism by land-based seismic stations: The example of the Hollister Ridge, Southern Pacific.
2aUW8. Arctic abyssal T-phase coupling to the ocean acoustic channel.
2aUW9. Acoustic array observations of seismic events.
2aUW10. Monitoring ocean seismicity using autonomous hydrophone moorings.
2aUW11. Modeling oceanic T-phase generation using coupled wave-number-integration approaches.
2aUW12. Possible mechanisms for T-phase generation.
2aUW13. An elastic wave diffusion theory for ocean crustal phase coda development.
2aUW14. Acoustic T-phase directionality measuments using a towed line array.
2aUW15. An automated system for detecting and classifying in-water explosions and T-phases.
2aUW16. A global monitoring system for a nuclear test ban treaty.
2aUW17. Doubly asymptotic approximations for transient elastodynamics.
2aUW18. Trapping of hydroacoustic waves generated by underwater earthquakes into a sound channel.