Index for 2aSP
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2aSP1. Matched-mode localization using conventional and cumulant-based MUSIC algorithms in a real, complex shallow-water environment.
2aSP2. Variability in the bearing and range estimates of acoustic sources in air.
2aSP3. Incoherent and coherent aeroacoustic wideband direction finding algorithms for ground vehicles.
2aSP4. A synthetic aperture parametric sonar for buried object detection.
2aSP5. Neural network classification of air and land vehicle acoustic signatures.
2aSP6. Focusing borehole time--space arrays.
2aSP7. Spatial broadband processing of active sonar echoes.
2aSP8. Short-time Fourier transform, Wigner--Ville analysis, and wavelet transform compared.
2aSP9. Short-time Fourier transform: Error estimation with nonstationary signals.
2aSP10. Line extraction from sonar images of elastic objects.
2aSP11. Classification of aircraft flight paths by detecting temporal changes in sound arrival direction.
2aSP12. Space-time signal processing algorithms for moving antennae.