Index for 2aNS
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2aNS1. Subjective evaluation of synthesized signals.
2aNS2. Assessment and design of product sound.
2aNS3. Sound quality assessment: Listener selection and training.
2aNS4. Assessment of rough sounds by Japanese listeners using a combined psychoacoustical and socioacoustical approach.
2aNS5. Sound quality design of vehicle noise.
2aNS6. Identification and characterization of automotive powertrain sound quality attributes.
2aNS7. On the standardization of metrics for sound quality assessment.
2aNS8. Effect of exhaust pipe connection on the exhaust noise of an internal combustion engine.
2aNS9. A study of the correlation between objective and subjective measures of steady-state refrigerator noise.
2aNS10. Evaluation of the subjective effects for active noise control.
2aNS11. Analysis of psychological effects of low-frequency noise using structural covariance models.
2aNS12. Sound quality evaluation of mechanical sound from the viewpoint of the soundscape.