Index for 2aAB
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
2aAB1. Geographic and temporal variation in songs of humpback whales.
2aAB2. Broadband recording of social acoustic signals of the Hawaiian spinner and spotted dolphins.
2aAB3. A comparison of the vocal repertoires of beluga whale populations in Bristol Bay and the Beaufort Sea, Alaska.
2aAB4. Graded structure of false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) phonations: Implications for production models.
2aAB5. Burst-pulse sounds of a neonate bottlenosed dolphin.
2aAB6. Quantitative analysis of Tursiops truncatus whistles from the Gulf of Mexico.
2aAB7. Open-water echolocation of bottom objects by dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
2aAB8. Dolphins can immediately recognize complex shapes across the senses of echolocation and vision.
2aAB9. Echolocation rates of harbor porpoises, a bottlenose dolphin, and a baiji.
2aAB10. Low-frequency hearing in three species of odontocetes.
2aAB11. Effects of scaled ATOC playbacks on the behavior of humpback whales in Hawaii.
2aAB12. Removal of environmental effects from whale calls using coherent beamforming methods.
2aAB13. Occurrence of blue and fin whales calls in the north Pacific as monitored by U.S. Navy SOSUS arrays.
2aAB14. Auditory masking of whale communication by ship noise.