Index for 1pSC
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
1pSC1. Speech movement variability: Data and interpretations.
1pSC2. Variability of speech production: A C/D-model perspective.
1pSC3. Differences in speaker's articulatory space: Their contribution to vowel gesture and acoustic pattern.
1pSC4. Statistical analysis of a phonemic target in articulatory movements.
1pSC5. Variation in speech movement kinematics and temporal patterns of coarticulation with changes in clarity and rate.
1pSC6. Phonetic sensitivity and individual recognition: Notes on system architecture.
1pSC7. Representational specificity of lexical form: Implications for models of spoken word recognition.
1pSC8. Production and perception of individual speaking styles.
1pSC9. Relationships between individual and phonetic information in speech waves: Their application to automatic speech recognition.
1pSC10. Effects of visual gestural information on speaker localization among several speakers.
1pSC11. Voice quality conversion based on an ARX speech analysis--synthesis method and its application to the study of speaker individuality.
1pSC12. A perceptual experiment on voice individuality by altering pitch and formant frequencies.
1pSC13. Relationship between physical characteristics and speaker individualities in speech spectral envelopes.
1pSC14. The effect of the phonological system in a language on speech perception for speaker variabilities.
1pSC15. Detection of sentence prominence using voice source parameters.
1pSC16. Effects of context and speaking rate on liquid--stop sequences: A reassessment of traditional acoustic cues.