A hard screen on an absorbing ground is investigated experimentally and theoretically under the influence of wind. The experimental data are the result of model experiments in a 1:25 scale model within a wind tunnel. The sound propagation is measured using a triggered spark source and averaging on a power basis in the frequency domain. The meteorological data representing the wind conditions have been determined by means of hot-wire anemometry in positions on both sides of the screen as well as directly over the screen. The measured data are compared with calculated results from PE calculations [taking the screen into account as suggested by E. Salomons, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 3109--3117 (1994)] and from an alternative ray oriented approach based upon the use of diffraction theory for the screen. The use of the scale model approach makes it possible to perform detailed comparisons of range-dependent measured profiles and calculated results. This reveals new insight in the insertion loss of screens under realistic conditions and provides a basis for future investigations into the influence from turbulent eddies generated at the top of the screen.