ASA 125th Meeting Ottawa 1993 May

2aSP19. Phonetics of Jemez vowels.

Alan Bell

Rebecca Heins

Dept. of Linguist., Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309

This paper presents a spectral and durational analysis of the vowels of Jemez, a Kiowa--Tanoan language spoken northwest of Albuquerque. The vowel system consists of six short vowels /i e (ae ligature) (open aye) o (barred eye)/ and six corresponding long vowels. For each long and short vowel, except /e/ and /ee/, there is a corresponding nasal vowel. The principal data for the analysis consists of repetitions of words containing each vowel pronounced by a single speaker in isolation and in sentences. Some data from another speaker and from other word contexts is also used. The vowels /e o (barred eye)/ are realized at the same heights, substantially closer to /i/ than to /(ae ligature) (open aye)/. The vowels are monophthongs, except for /e/ and /ee/, which have rising offglides. Long and short vowels do not differ significantly in quality. Nasal vowels are higher than corresponding oral vowels, contrary to cross-linguistic tendencies. Vowels are raised after the labialized consonants /(Phi)[sup w] k[sup w] w/ and the palatalized consonants /(sh) k[sup j] k[sup jh] k[sup j'] j/, but differences between the two contexts suggest that separate processes are involved. [Supported in part by a UROP grant from the University of Colorado.]