ASA 124th Meeting New Orleans 1992 October

3pED2. Stories about F. V. Hunt's Acoustics Research Laboratory (Harvard) and about nonlinear acoustics.

David T. Blackstock

Appl. Res. Lab., University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78713-8029

Mech. Eng. Dept., University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712-1063

Ted Hunt's Acoustics Research Laboratory developed at Harvard University after World War II, a kind of academic follow-on to the Harvard Underwater Sound Laboratory. What distinguished the Harvard acoustics program was the very wide breadth of interests Hunt had in acoustics---engineering, physical, architectural, underwater, and historical. The choice of topics offered to his students was therefore correspondingly broad. In the second part of this talk, several tales of nonlinear acoustics will be recounted. [Review supported by ONR---from many different eras.]